
Monday, April 21, 2014

One Struggle: Connecting Culture and Social Justice

Please join us for AUSJP's last event this semester!

Food and drinks will be served, along with performance of music! Come by and celebrate the end of the semester with us!
One Struggle: Connecting Culture and Social Justice4/24, 7PM, MGC 200

A chance for cultural and social justice clubs to share their identities and learn how our struggles are all connected. This event serves as a space for each group to explore and express a social justice related issue through the lens of their culture and identity.

Too often we disconnect our culture from the struggles we face, when in reality the two frequently overlap and impact one another.

Fuad Foty, a Palestinian-American musician, will be coming in to perform and discuss his upcoming kickstarter campaign, "Return to Ramallah."

If you would like to donate to his project, the kickstarter link is right here:

Example of Fuad's music can be found here at his fan page:

We ask that each group perform a poem that represents their culture and addresses a related social justice issue. Alternatively, a group should feel free to come up with a different form of presentation to express themselves. This could be in the form of a testimony, a song, a piece of art, a work of literature, a dish of food, etc. Creativity is welcome and encouraged:]
SJP will provide food and drinks, but groups should also bring and share their cultural food! The event will begin at 7pm in the MGC 200.